The idea of planned or scheduled sex may seem unromantic or even unappealing to some, but it can actually be a great way to prioritize intimacy in a busy schedule and maintain a strong connection with your partner. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of planned sex, how to approach it in a way that feels natural and exciting, and how it can actually enhance your sex life.

Feeling a little stagnant in the romance department? It might be time to shake things up! Whether you're in a long-term relationship or just starting out, scheduling intimate time with your partner can add some much-needed spice to your love life. Check out some great tips and tricks for keeping the passion alive at Ad-Sex. From planning surprise date nights to exploring new ways to connect with your partner, there are countless ways to keep the flame burning bright. Don't let your relationship fall into a rut - start scheduling some quality time with your significant other today!

The Benefits of Planned Sex

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When life gets busy, it’s easy for sex to fall by the wayside. Between work, social commitments, and household responsibilities, finding time for intimacy can be a challenge. Planned sex allows couples to carve out dedicated time for each other, ensuring that physical connection remains a priority.

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Additionally, scheduling sex can take the pressure off both partners to initiate or be in the mood at the same time. By setting aside time for intimacy, it becomes a planned and anticipated event rather than something that has to happen spontaneously. This can alleviate performance anxiety and create a more relaxed and enjoyable experience for both partners.

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Approaching Planned Sex with Excitement

While the idea of scheduling sex may seem clinical, it doesn’t have to be. In fact, approaching planned sex with excitement and anticipation can make it feel more like a special occasion rather than a chore. Here are a few tips for injecting some excitement into scheduled sex:

- Plan a romantic evening: Set the mood with candles, music, and your favorite lingerie or boxers. Creating a romantic atmosphere can make scheduled sex feel more like a special occasion.

- Try something new: Use planned sex as an opportunity to explore new fantasies or try out different positions or techniques. Planning ahead allows you to discuss and prepare for new experiences, adding an element of excitement to the encounter.

- Communicate openly: Talk to your partner about your desires and expectations for the planned encounter. Sharing your excitement and anticipation with each other can build anticipation and make the experience more enjoyable.

Enhancing Your Sex Life

Contrary to popular belief, scheduled sex can actually enhance your sex life rather than detract from it. By prioritizing intimacy and setting aside dedicated time for each other, couples can strengthen their connection and maintain a healthy and active sex life.

Additionally, planned sex can serve as a catalyst for increased communication and intimacy outside of the bedroom. By openly discussing your desires, expectations, and fantasies, you and your partner can deepen your emotional connection and build a stronger foundation for a healthy and satisfying sex life.

In conclusion, planned sex doesn’t have to be unromantic or unappealing. When approached with excitement and anticipation, it can actually enhance your sex life and strengthen your connection with your partner. By prioritizing intimacy and setting aside dedicated time for each other, couples can maintain a healthy and active sex life despite their busy schedules. So, don’t be afraid to schedule some time for intimacy with your partner – it may just be the key to a more fulfilling and satisfying sex life.